Modelling Handbook - Deliverable 3.2

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SMARTeeSTORY's Deliverable 3.2 presents a comprehensive Modelling Handbook for building energy performance, considering the required model quality and available information in real buildings.

By simulating dynamic interactions between energy and mass flows within the building and its surroundings over time, these performance models can characterize energy use, thermal behavior, and other aspects such as illuminance and indoor air quality.

Building performance simulation effectively supports various phases, from design to operation, and can even test renovation solutions from both digital and physical perspectives. In renovation approaches, the focus could be on the design process, code compliance assessment, or real-time building control as part of retrofitting, as will be done within the SMARTeeSTORY scope.

The handbook aims to define a common modelling framework adaptable to various levels of data availability and applications, developing a linked group of multi-domain building performance models. The proposed approach consists of physics-based models to simulate the energetic behavior of buildings. An integral methodology is explained, considering model quality definition, building and energy model assessment, and calibration. Furthermore, the data gathering process and applicability to case studies are included.

This deliverable outlines the steps to follow when building a model after obtaining the necessary data and describes potential difficulties that may arise during the process. To resolve these issues, commonly used reference documents and resources are listed, along with methods to normalize the available data. It is expected that the Modelling Handbook will serve as a reference for any project related to the implementation of energy-efficient solutions.

Check back soon to access the report once its published!

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