Technical Site Visits to Riga & Delft

riga town hall

In September 2023, several SMARTeeSTORY project partners met in Riga and Delft for technical site visits of their demonstrator buildings. The aim of these visits was to verify the practical implementation of the interventions foreseen during the proposal phase. The respective local partners, Riga Energy Agency and TU Delft, organised meetings between internal technical staff and the SMARTeeSTORY partners to clarify several aspects regarding the feasibility of the interventions. These meetings were the first of many to come, laying the foundation for the concrete work towards achieving the project’s objectives.

During the technical site visit to Riga on 13 September 2023 served to have a closer look at the city’s town hall. More specifically, the project partners looked at the building’s heating & DHW, cooling and ventilation systems, electricity domain, lighting, dynamic building envelope, electrical vehicles, building management and control system.

On 19 September, in Delft, the partners inspected the building installations of the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment at TU Delft, looking at heating, lighting, dynamic envelope, ventilation, power meters, produced/consumed energy, monitoring and control as well as sensors.

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